visuray studying data at third successful external well test

VR90 Successfully Tested

Published 12.08.2015
Visuray has successfully completed a third external well test of the VR90 downhole X-ray 3D imaging service. The two complete toolstrings sent to the wellsite have performed a total of 13 runs with a maximum temperature of 85°C up to a depth of 2100m.

The objectives were to prove the reliability of the tools – no failures have been recorded – and to test the new pulse cooling method, which proved to be a great improvement over the manual cooling in terms of efficiency, engineer workload and resulting data quality. In addition, the cooling capacity of the VR90 has been tested to a higher degree, and post-job data analysis has shown the data quality to be excellent.

Visuray’s next step is to image inside active wells and demonstrate the added value of the VR90 service to customers worldwide.